Monday, June 4, 2012

Tooth Update

Over Memorial Day weekend, my teeth started hurting really badly. I switched dentist offices {for financial reasons} and went in 2 afternoons last week. I was told that I needed a root canal. Joy.
Haha, check me out after walking out of the dentist's office for the 1st time last Friday afternoon. I left the office at 1230 and went to lunch with a couple of co-workers then headed to the dentist at 130. Got in the chair, got shot up with novocaine {my least favorite part!} and they began their digging. After taking out the filling in the tooth that they thought needed a root canal, she discovered the filling wasn't near the nerve so most likely not the tooth that was causing me so much pain. She got a 2nd opinion from another dentist there and they decided it was not the tooth and decided to take the filling out of the one next to it. The 2nd tooth they cleared out was the one that needed the root canal. But... my 1st dentist I saw evidently didn't do that type of root canal {more complicated somehow i guess..}, so I had to leave and then return at 4pm for the other dentist to do it. They filled the 1st one back up and put a temp filling in the one that required the root canal. I went to the park to pass the time and headed back in at 4. I didn't leave until about 530. The root canal itself wasn't entirely pleasant, although I have never had a 'pleasant' time in the dentist's chair. But having your mouth stretched to its max limits and having to have novocaine shot into your nerve mid-work... just not pleasant one bit! I still have to go back for a filling and a crown, then to have the crown placed, and also I am due for a 6 month checkup, including x-rays. Triple joy.

But, I am not in super pain anymore!! I am a little sore but didn't have to fill or take the vicodin prescription at all. Props to me. I'm not a fan of Rx painkillers. Ibuprofen is my friend right now. 


pre-curling iron- ready to party!

I was back to "normal" on Saturday and ready to party for my 30th birthday party {for my friend and myself}. I haven't had a chance to check out the pics that we took on the 'party cam' {our little canon that we don't care if it gets handled a little more roughly ;)} 
Pictures to follow. :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend.
I have 2 sick boys at home and it's going to be 2 late nights as we are needing to prep for a garage sale on Wednesday!!!! 

Happy Monday !

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