Thursday, July 26, 2012

Keepin' it Real: Fitness

OK, so I want to be a skinny girl, I do.
But, I want to live my life, too.
And, unfortunately for me, I'm not one of those girls with the crazy metabolism that allows me to eat whatever I feel like and still look good. ::sigh::
{yes, there are bigger issues than this but this is an ongoing one for me... my weight!}

So.... how do you balance or choose??
I am having trouble with this.


I want to workout, I want to be healthy, I want to eat healthy, I want to look better.
I also want to live my life and not have to sacrifice the little things that make it so great.
Like bread, sweets, beer, movie theater popcorn...FOOD. 
I guess it's mainly a food battle for me... and then the social aspect that goes along with drinking.
Is there no way that you can have it both ways?
Look good, feel good and also eat the good stuff?
The battle is always uphill!!!
I guess I do find joy in eating yummy foods... but then feel such major guilt whenever I indulge myself. 
I love food. What can I say? It brings me joy and makes me happy. 


Is this a problem??
So... thoughts? How do you balance out your cravings and your fitness goals?

1 comment:

  1. I just had my surgery so I can't post much but I can help I think. Let me get back to you when I'm feeling better :) I started a program, lost all my baby weight and am back to the size I was when I met my husband!! Plus I still have dessert every night ;)


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