Friday, August 26, 2011

Recovering + Update

B and I are recovering from colds. I initially caught it from B... but luckily I think we are both on the mend. Runny noses are never fun... not for Mommy and definitely not for B!!!! He does NOT like his nose wiped, that's for sure!!!!

Sad news: Patrick's cousin that was our age [29] passed away last Sunday afternoon. He had a motorcycle accident and didn't survive. Patrick attended his funeral yesterday morning. I was unable to attend because of work conflicts, but it was nice that Patrick was able to make it.

I was able to sneak out of the office yesterday afternoon, though, to head to the Minnesota State Fair! B won't be going for a couple of years yet but P & I have made it a yearly must-do. I did miss it the year that I was pregnant with B because of the huge 'swine flu' scare but I do enjoy going. We had lots of good eats.. including cheese curds [the BEST at the fair!], swedish meatballs on a stick, deep fried apple pie, pork chop on a stick, strawberry-rhubarb malt, egg roll on a stick, white razzy puppy [belgian waffle wrapped around white chocolate, dipped in dark chocolate and topped with whipped cream and raspberry drizzle], strawberries & cream, french fries, 1919 root beer, and beer on a stick!... it sounds like a disgusting amount of food but we shared everything and it was over a span of about 5 hours. It only happens once a year so I try to pack it in. Surprisingly, I wasn't even over-stuffed by the time we left. No, I'm not prego again. ;)

My Parents' Church had a sale yesterday and today. They get donations from Carters and Osh Kosh... mainly things they can't sell in their stores anymore or in their outlets. I'm not sure how it's decided what they give to the church, but it's still good stuff!!!! I got a huge bag for only $27.25!!! Including a brand new Carter's 3T 4-in-1 winter jacket!!!! That thing cost me a whopping 8$!!! My awesome haul also included a Melissa & Doug puzzle for 1$ and a pair of brand new Carters shoes for 1$... Hat & Mitten sets for 1$... just an awesome sale!!!! I ♥ when they have it and my Mom is able to get first dibs on most of it as she works with the ladies running it. It's nice to have an 'in' sometimes!!! I gotta say... my Mom ROCKS! :)

I don't know if I mentioned before or not on here... but B has started crawling out of the pack & play. No, he doesn't sleep in it at home but he did used to sleep in that over at my Parents' house! We got a crib for over there now but he still sleeps in one at daycare.... I'm not sure of the protocol for daycares... but I feel like she should provide a safe sleeping environment for the children she provides care for??? Or is that our responsibility? I'm not sure where the line falls there.... anyone have any ideas on that???

And.... I was wondering who all is starting or in the middle of... potty training???? B shows absolutely no interest in the toilet... the adult one or his so I know we're not ready yet. But I know this age range is the beginning of that fun stuff. :)

Anyway, enough babbling. Hope everyone is doing well and is healthy.

Have a wonderful weekend all!!!


  1. Sorry about your cousin. :(

    How dare you post about all that tasty fair food without showing us any photos! :)

    As for the potty, we have one in the bathroom, but Liam just treats it like a chair right now. He almost made his first #2 in it (when we thought he was about to go in the bath...gross), but it was a false alarm. Probably won't be ready for a long time. A lot of my friends with girls had them trained around this age... darn little boys for making us suffer with diapers longer! haha

  2. First off, I am so sorry to hear about P's cousin. The majority of my extended family members ride motorcycles and I know how dangerous they can be.

    Sounds like you had a blast at the fair! Why can't B go yet? Glad you got to indulge in all the yummy fair food! My weakness is always funnel cake. :)

    Jack sleeps in a pack n' play at daycare, and you're right- they should provide a safe sleep environment for them. That's not something you should have to worry about. Does he go to a center or a home daycare? Jack's daycare asked me if he could start sleeping on a cot and I said no, not yet, since he's still perfectly fine in the PnP. Maybe B would be ready for a cot? I worked in a daycare with 2 year olds, and they all took their naps on cots, which the daycare provided (along with sheets which were washed weekly). The parents just provided the blanket, pillow, and anything else the kid would want to sleep with.

    As for potty training, it's still way too early! I started sitting Jack on a potty chair months ago. He'd sit on it naked before his bath. He actually went in it a few times and didn't mind sitting there. He even sat on it at daycare and went poop! But now he shows absolutely zero interest in sitting on it. He points at it and says potty. He watches me go and will say potty. He says ewwww when he looks inside the toilet. He knows that poop is gross. But he hasn't made the connection that he should go in the potty and not anywhere else (diaper, floor, bath- all of which he has done. Gross!). Eventually it'll click and they will still refuse to sit on it just because they can and that's when the bribing starts! :) I'm waiting until Jack turns 2 (unless he shows signs of readiness before then), and hopefully I'll know when he's ready. I think once they can tell you that they've pooped in their diaper, then they are ready or close to it. My friend's daughter (also 20 months) will tell her parents when she has made a poop, so she understands and will probably be ready sooner!

    Sorry for the book!! :)

  3. P.S. I am super jealous of the great deals you got on that carters stuff!!! I love Melissa and Doug puzzles and would go crazy if I could find them for $1. And awesome deal on the coat too!

  4. Wow - I love love love thrift sales! We've gotten some great finds that way for next to nothing.

    Glad you guys are feeling better!


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