Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!!!!

I still need to go through my pics from Xmas... but I wanted to share our cards with you. I did 3 different ones... and I kind of sent them out randomly, so it was a draw which one you got!

Without further ado....

love, the LaVines


  1. Merry Christmas LaVines!! I love all of your cards - I almost made the 12 month photo one too. It's perfect for a December baby!

    Hope you all had a great holiday.

  2. Oh my, I love the cards!!

    I need to go through our cards as well, there SO many!!

  3. I love them!! You sent us the 12 month one, which I love. It's cool seeing how B has grown! I do love that second one though. So precious!!


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