Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

We celebrated with my family on Sunday, as my Dad had to work on Monday. It was a great day of running around my Parents' property and another attempt at an ice cream cone [fail], bubbles, fair-food, rides!!!, and lots and lots of giggles & smiles.

Yesterday we went to the MN Zoo!

It was B's 2nd trip to a zoo, his first being the Zoo in Chicago! He was quite young when we went in Chicago so this time he was much more interested. His favorite had to be the fish!!!!! I will be getting him a Betta soon!!

We opted out of fireworks this year as B had to go to daycare this AM and couldn't sleep in... and fireworks didn't start until 10PM! Next year though... we will definitely check them out somewhere!!!!

Alright... inevitably we are back to reality. Boo!!!!




  1. he's so cute! babies they grow so fast! actually i should say your little man! i wasn't able to take ryu to see fireworks little boy fell asleep all early after a day of swimming. still looks like you all had a wonderful 4th!

  2. I loved the picture of the cake on facebook, it looks so delicious and patriotic!!
    I also love the 2010-2011 pictures! What a difference a year makes! I'll have to look and see if I have one from last year compared to this year :) Great idea!

  3. Aww, so cute! I love the comparison photos!!


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