Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's been a very long Tuesday. Actually, it's been a very long week already and it's only Tuesday. All I have to say about that is ... ugh.

We booked our chair covers for the wedding a ways back. We had samples sent to us and even made sure the chair covers worked on the chairs at the Shrine. Hooray, they did! So I e-mailed them again recently to see if we could go out to their location and make sure the reds worked ok with my dress red (since I got a swatch). Needless to say, they had already rented out most of their red without contacting me at all to maybe check if I wanted to use one of the 2 colors (red or burgundy) that I had sent to me as a sample. FUCK. That's all I'm going to say about that... it makes me furious just thinking about it.


Okay, I have to go watch my boyfriend play poker. (PATRIK.............antonius) hehehehehe. don't tell patrick lavine ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    did petunia get ahold of them?????

    i feel your pain on the long days. but the goodnews is it is wednesday ..... hump day!!!!!!!


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